Current Social Secretary: Faith Rose Cortis
The society organises a number of formal events throughout the year:
- a pub crawl each term (3 in total) at around the 4th Week mark
- a Christmas party (Michaelmas)
- a banquet (Hilary)
- a picnic/bbq (Trinity)
In addition, members often meet in the pub before or after (or both!) LARP and Society Game sessions, or use the mailing list to send out a general call for a pub meet or some other casual social event. We are generally a friendly lot and we love bringing new people into the hobby. We're open minded and our members are happy to lend equipment or offer advice for new recruits. Although we tend to gravitate towards pubs, we have a sizable contingent of regulars who don't drink, and as a group we're less interested in the actual alcohol than the socialising that goes with it. (Well.. mostly. Watch out for the hip flasks.)